The event took place on 27th May 2020. Conference organizers: Russian Union of Rectors, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Republican Council of higher education (Uzbekistan), Ministry of higher and secondary special education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The event was attended by representatives of state authorities and rectors of more than 120 universities in two countries, including President of The Russian Union of rectors, rector of Moscow State University Viktor SADOVNICHY, Chairman of the Republican Council of higher education, rector of the Tashkent Institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers Uktam UMURZAKOV, head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Vladimir CHERNOV, Adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdujabar ABDUVAKHITOV, Valery FALKOV, Minister of science and higher education of the Russian Federation, Elena Katayeva, rector of MSTU "STANKIN" and others.
Rectors of leading universities in Russia and Uzbekistan discussed the current interaction and prospects for cooperation in the field of science and education between the countries, as well as assessed the realities and prospects of educational cooperation between the two countries.
In her speech, Elena Katayeva, rector of MSTU "STANKIN", called cooperation with universities of Uzbekistan fruitful. She noted that currently, MSTU "STANKIN" has agreements on cooperation with the following universities of the Republic of Uzbekistan: Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimov; Samarkand State University; Navoi State Mining Institute; Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute; Nukus branch of Navoi State Mining Institute. An agreement with Namangan State University is being prepared for signing.
Since 2018 more than 10 teachers of MSTU "STANKIN" have been sent to higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan to conduct lectures and masterclasses on specialized subjects. Joint educational programs are being implemented. This year, joint educational programs are planned with Samarkand State University, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tashkent State Technical University named after I. Karimov, and the Nukus branch of the Navoi State Mining Institute. All joint programs are implemented in the areas of bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering and technology.
Elena Katayeva proposed a model of the Russian-Uzbek scientific and technological educational centre, which will assist the development of the countries ' economies taking into account the challenges of digital transformation. .
The rector of MSTU "STANKIN" made a proposal in the final resolution to consider the prospects for the development of new formats of interaction between the educational and industrial partnership of the two countries, including through the creation of a scientific and technological educational centre.
During the Interregional online conference of rectors of higher education institutions of Russia and Uzbekistan, intermediate results of practical implementation of bilateral agreements in the scientific and educational sphere were summed up and new promising areas and formats of cooperation were identified.
The event was an important stage in preparation for the Second Russian-Uzbek educational forum, which is to be held in Moscow in 2020 in conjunction with the summit of the presidents of Russia and Uzbekistan.