Vladimir Valeryevich Serebrenny is a graduate of MSTU "STANKIN" of 1995. Later, he was educated at the Budapest Technical University in Hungary. He defended his PhD thesis at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University at the Department of "Special Robotics and Mechatronics". He worked at the plants "Avtovaz" and "Volzhsky Machine-Building Plant", from 2011 to 2014 he headed the machine-tool holding "RT-Stankoinstument", part of the State Corporation"Rostec". In 2014, he became Deputy General Director for technological Development of the State Scientific Center "NAMI", in 2017 he headed the Department of "Robotic Systems and Mechatronics" at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, where he has worked until now.
Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko commented on the appointment of Vladimir Serebrenny:"Vladimir Valeryevich Serebrenny has extensive experience in mechanical engineering and management of major scientific and business projects. Moscow State Technological University "STANKIN" is the native university of Vladimir Valeryevich, from which he graduated with honors. This is especially pleasant to note in connection with his appointment to the post of rector of Stankin. When graduates of a university return to senior positions, this is the most obvious indicator of the systemic development and growing potential of the university. I am sure that the invaluable experience and expertise of Vladimir Valeryevich will give a new impetus to the development of MSTU "STANKIN",— said Dmitry Chernyshenko.
Anatoly Alexandrov, rector of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, in an interview with the Russian newspaper, noted that under the leadership of Vladimir Serebrenny, the department has found a new direction of work - industrial robotics, which has become one of the priorities of the university's development.
"The appointment of Serebrenny will allow the two technical universities to combine efforts in educational and scientific policy, create new interdisciplinary teams in the field of industrial robotics development. Vladimir Valeryevich is a person with extensive experience, professional ambitions, but at the same time with the ability to listen and hear fresh ideas. And most importantly, he knows how to work with young people, is ready to trust them. Under his leadership, our student robotics team has created its own "combat robots" and has repeatedly won victories at all-Russian and international championships."
We wish Vladimir Valeryevich fruitful work and inexhaustible vital energy for the implementation of his plans!