Vyacheslav Voronin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Scientific Center for Cognitive Technologies and Machine Vision of "STANKIN", has been engaged in developments in the field of computer vision for the past 10 years. Thanks to the grant, a team of scientists led by a researcher will develop new methods of gesture recognition and computer vision, which involve direct analysis and interpretation of images, including using machine learning.

"For our team, the project "Development of scientific principles based on cognitive technologies for planning actions of multi-purpose robotic systems when interacting with humans and classifying objects of the surrounding space according to low-quality visual data " will be a major challenge in solving current scientific and technical problems in the field of management of collaborative complexes, and will also be a powerful motivator to continue research work and achieve new ambitious goals!", - said Vyacheslav Voronin.
The university was represented by associate professors, young scientists and university students in the RSF competition "Conducting research by scientific groups under the guidance of young scientists" of the Presidential Program of research projects.
Vyacheslav Voronin's research group has successfully established itself in the implementation of many grant and applied projects in the following areas: digital processing of one-dimensional signals, image and video signal processing, extraction of features in images and video signals, reconstruction of 3D models, as well as analysis and recognition of medical images.
"STANKIN" confidently continues to contribute to the development of fundamental science in the country. The RSF grant won proves that the research directions developed by Stankin students in classrooms and scientific laboratories are relevant and promising," said Vladimir Serebrenny, Acting Rector of Moscow State Technical University "STANKIN".
During the implementation of the project, it is planned to develop methods for the practical application of the proposed approaches, including for the fields of medical and industrial robotics, over the next three years.
The project is promising for production in the framework of Industry 4.0: research allows us to create a basis for the development of a cognitive system, where the interaction of a human and a robot will increase the efficiency of the equipment and the operator's actions.