The Eurasian Economic Union issued a Declaration of compliance of the "mobile air purification complex with non-commercial bactericidal ultraviolet lamps" to MSTU STANKIN, confirming its compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "on the safety of low-voltage equipment" and "electromagnetic compatibility of technical means".
It became known that the air decontaminator "SAV-1", developed by the team of engineers of MSTU "STANKIN" has been tested and is ready for use. The document received by the University Is a Declaration of conformity, adopted on the basis of test reports issued by the testing laboratory of the research testing centre "Zircon-test".

The SAV-1 model is a modern development that destroys viruses, including COVID-19, with a wide range of applications in residential buildings, commercial and industrial areas with low energy consumption.
The development of MSTU "STANKIN" was noted by the head of Rospatent Grigory Ivliev. The patent for the invention was obtained during the pandemic, which was a significant contribution of engineers in the fight against COVID-19.
Congratulations to the authors of the invention: Mikhail Kharkov, Vladimir Kuptsov, Sergey Taratukhin, Vadim Dubovskov, Andrey Alepko, Alexander Bazin, Azimjon Mirzomakhmudov, Alexander Shaldov and thank you for your excellent work!