The grandiose projects of the Year of Science riveted the attention of young people and allowed STANKIN workers to open the doors of their laboratories to a wide audience, inquisitive and ready to explore the world of technology together. This year, the scientific events of MSTU "STANKIN" brought together hundreds of experienced and young scientists from all over the world, these are: Scientific and practical conference "Automation and information technologies"; XIV All-Russian Conference with international participation "Engineering: Traditions and Innovations"; School of Young Scientists "Adaptive materials and coatings for high-tech industries"; International Scientific Conference "Samara Readings (in memory of Academician A.A. Samarsky)"; All-Russian Youth Scientific and Technical Conference with International Participation “Production. Technology. Ecology".
The highest scientific category of STANKIN - the first one - speaks of the university's focus on research and design activities. The program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030" has become the main guideline in the development of the strategies of the scientific and educational block of the university. It is especially important that according to the results of the competitive selection, the university was among 106 universities that received the basic part of the grant in the amount of 100 million rubles. STANKIN enters 2022 with the mission of developing the scientific, technological and human potential of the machine-building industry to increase the global competitiveness of domestic production in the context of the formation of a new digital industry. “One of our main tasks for today is the formation of engineering project teams for the tasks of digital transformation of machine and machine tool building. The university acts as a system integrator in the technological support of these industries,” said acting rector of Moscow State Technical University "STANKIN" Vladimir Serebrenny.

On the basis of the university and on its initiative, the Consortium for the Development of Digital Technologies for Custom Production was created. The first project within the framework of his activities will be the creation of the Moscow State Technical University "STANKIN" and the St. Petersburg State Medical Technical University of the Technology Center in the city of Korolev, for which the Stankinists will develop a lathe for processing carbide and composite materials. Students, graduate students and teachers of the university became the owners of the highest awards and medals of many large-scale events, including: XXIV Moscow International Salon of Inventions and Innovative Technologies "Archimedes-2021" (gold was awarded to the development of a team of scientists Sergey Grigoriev, Alexander Metel, Yuri Melnik, Enver Mustafaev, Marina Volosova, Anna Okounkova and Mikhail Mosyanov, silver medals were awarded to Anatoly Nikich, Petr Nikishechkin, Ilya Kovalev, Artem Akimov, Nadezhda Chervonnova, Georgi Martinov, Lilia Martinova, as well as Evgeny and Alexander Sosenushkin, Konstantin Ivanov, Elena Yanovskaya, Timur Kinzhaev and Anastasia Timokhina won bronze). Competition of projects for financing under the UMNIK Talented Youth Support Program (students Lilia Tuktamysheva, Natalia Krotova, Ilya Khamidullin and Ramir Abdulov reached the final). All-Russian competition "Digital Breakthrough" (the team of Lilia Tuktamysheva, Murad Abdulzagirov and Arsen Tagaev "New Command (1)" became the winner of the semi-finals). Stankinists, who are just starting their research activities and trying their hand at science, improved their engineering and entrepreneurial skills at a three-day project intensive - the Festival of Innovative Boiling Point Projects of MSTU "STANKIN". A group of young STANKIN scientists led by Vyacheslav Voronin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, is implementing a grant of 6 million rubles from the Russian Science Foundation, conducting research in the development of human-machine interfaces for robotic systems. The project of Ph.D., Associate Professor Mikhail Klyuev also received grant support from the Russian Science Foundation in the amount of 1.5 million rubles for the development of Industry 4.0 ideas.

MSTU "STANKIN" is a participant in the key events of the Year of Science and Technology held by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation: the Technosreda, RoboArmy and Science 0+ festivals, the All-Russian Student Graduation "With Science in the Heart", the Congress of Young Scientists in Sirius, the Reality show "Mind Games", the action "Women in Science", educational marathons of the Russian society "Knowledge" and others. By promoting children's technical creativity, breakthrough engineering teams and developments in the fields of robotics, the Internet of things, VR, artificial intelligence and 3D printing, STANKIN researchers popularize the main idea - science today is not academic lectures and dry theory, it is experiments and a practical result for development modern digital production of the country. The Year of Science and Technology opened up new names of young scientists, gave rise to breakthrough youth projects and gave young Stankinovites the opportunity to actually implement the author's research ideas! More to come!